Assisting You on Your Path to Ascension!

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Not sure which video you need or which one you should start with? No worries Gma’s got you covered. Gma will check your auric field and tell you which video would be the best one for you to work with. Why Does Gma Use Fractal Images In Her Videos?... Read More

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This exercise is helping you to adjust to this multidimensional space you are moving into. It is bringing your conscious level of understanding of what is happening to a different level. In other words, you can not only do something, you do it and... Read More

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This video will assist you to release everything and everyone that no longer serves you on a mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical level to open the Energetic Flow into Multidimensionality.More Information About This VideoThe current energies... Read More

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This video will connect your heart chakra to the heart of your Higher Self. The new energies coming to Gaia, to your Quantum Field and the higher heart of the infinity symbol which is your higher self heart will be charged up to the level that the... Read More

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This video will assist you to be in your heart with an open heart chakra while making the highest possible energetic decisions and choosing the highest possible timeline so you can bask in the Divine Flow of Creation. More Information About the Vi... Read More

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This video will assist your body to adapt to the changes that Gaia and all the Quantum Fields of Gaia are going through. It will adjust all your fields inside of the Quantum Field including your physical body to the speed of changes and to the int... Read More

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This video will assist you to communicate in a soft, gentle vibrational level that is heard everywhere throughout the universe. More Information About the video Your old communication was like a cactus, it followed the contours of the spike. You d... Read More

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This video will assist you to attune to Gaia's vibrations during this transition into a Higher Dimensional Gateway. It will help you to be in conscious communication with Gaia's vibrations. When you are consciously walking or moving around with yo... Read More

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This video will assist you to release your 3D physical habits and mental beliefs that are currently holding you in the doorway between your 3D reality and the Quantum World you are creating. You will develop the confidence to spread your wings and... Read More

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This video will assist you to grow the petals of your Heart Chakra so the space of your chakra expands outside your physical bodies.  With your heart work you can grow the petals to send the intention as far as you need or bring it close to the st... Read More

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This video will change the way your brain processes and stores information like your memories and experiences. Your brain will no longer be a simple storage space. It will be connected to and processing information from the Akashic Record and Univ... Read More

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This video will reactivate and realign your growing Crystalline DNA. Most of the 144 strands of your DNA reside within the Higher Dimensions. This increases your ability to make quantum leaps in the areas of hearing "the heavenly voices" of higher... Read More

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