My Green Laser is one of my most Powerful Inventions. With less than a minute every day you can use the laser on your body to improve your health and eat organic without increasing your food costs. Improve vision, hearing, healthy hair, increased telepathy and normal glandular function can also be yours as well as your ability to manifest what you desire through my laser.
• I will personally program it for you with personalized codes and frequencies to help you manifest what you desire.
• The laser to changes the ATP, the energy of your cells, accelerating their vibratory rate. This puts you on a Higher Plane of Consciousness so that you are less prone to illness and heal faster.
• Detoxifies food, water as well as skincare and cosmetics. It can also be used to create a barrier around the body that prevents toxins from entering.
• Improves vision no matter what challenges you are experiencing with your eyes.
• Repairs hair follicles that have been damaged resulting in healthier hair.
• Repairs damage to the ear drums.
• Improves telepathy which increases your connection with your Multi-dimensional self allowing you to read your own Akashic Records and take advantage of the Cosmic Store of Wisdom.
• Cleanses, balances and restores normal function of the glands of the body. These are the glands of the endocrine system.
• Improves your sense of taste and smell.
• My laser can also be used on pets and animals to balance the chakras, create a barrier to toxicity which will help strengthen the immune system as well as improve vision, hearing and coat health.
The green laser can be used to remove toxins from conventional food so you can eat organic every day without increasing your grocery expenses. It will remove impurities from skincare and cosmetics.
Applying the green laser directly to the body (by using the laser on the chakras) creating a barrier against toxicity of any kind entering the body through the skin, mucous membranes, olfactory, auditory or visual components eg. food, water, cosmetics, skin care products as well as electro-magnetic interference. (EMI) This interference comes from telephone poles, cellphone towers, overhead electrical wires, microwaves, TVs, cell phones etc.
The chemicals and pesticides used to grow our food and the hormones that are injected into our farm animals scramble the nutritional frequencies of these foods so our bodies are unable to read them. As a result the body gets no nutrients from the food.
When you use the green laser directly on the chakras with the intention of creating a barrier to toxicity, this barrier unscrambles the geometric forms that are the chakras. This barrier then unscrambles the frequencies of the food when your body comes in contact with it. If you are the cook, all those that consume it will benefit from its nutrient richness.
All purchases include lifetime upgrades. Upgrades will be automatically added to any previously purchased units.
You will also receive a downloadable instructional guide.
For BEST RESULTS use the Green Laser daily with Intention to balance the Chakras, create a Barrier to Toxicity as well as restore normal Gland Function, improve Vision, Hearing and Hair Health.
To read about other’s experiences with Gma’s green laser visit our testimonial page.
Click here to download Gma's Green Laser Instructional Guide.
Each shipment will include either a green laser with USB for charging or a green laser with a rechargeable battery and battery charger as well as keys to secure the child proof safety lock built into the device.
Remove the cap on the end of the laser to remove the battery or expose the USB connection.
We check the Green Laser before we ship it. Check the laser when you receive it, charge the battery and if there are any problems with it, inform us within 5 business days so we may assist you.
If you order a reading or clearing you will be contacted by Cat via email within the next 7 business days to set up an appointment.
If you order a product that requires downloading once your payment is processed you will be redirected to the download page. You will also receive an email with the download link.
If you order a product that requires shipping your product will be shipped within 7 business days from receipt of payment. If you are in the continental USA, you should receive the product within 5 business days. If you are in Canada, due to Customs, your product may take up to 3-4 weeks to arrive. If you are in Europe or elsewhere it may take 4-6 weeks due to Customs to receive your product.
Chandra's mission is to help you achieve your planetary mission and fulfill your life purpose on the New Earth. She has developed high frequency coded tools in the form of products that clear obstacles, make changes at the cellular level, assist you to remember your gifts and root out the causes of your physical, mental and emotional challenges.