Assisting You on Your Path to Ascension!

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During this video I will work closely with you to assist your empowering yourself. As you may know, each of us is Ascending further and further toward our own unique and brightly lit star of wholeness within The Divine! For this reason and many mo... Read More

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This video contains the vocal toning for the Chakras and their organs and glands. By your intake of these Chakra tones, you can strengthen your own Silver Cord for a more vibrant, joyous, and healthy life.Why Does Gma Use Fractal Images In Her Vid... Read More

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The New frequencies in this video are an initiation to a higher level. Clearing out the old will be an important part of lightening your load so you can align better with these Higher Frequencies. This will allow you to be a stronger, brighter Bea... Read More

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This video will help to release all past, present and future thoughts and beliefs that are not in alignment with the New Earth.  This cleans house so your conscious and subconscious mind can be harmonized, allowing you to connect to your heart cen... Read More

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During this video Gma will introduce you to the Keeper of the Akashic Records. The Keeper is a Whale who holds the Code to unlock each person’s records. By connecting with the Keeper you can empower the contracts you have agreed to in this lifetim... Read More

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This video contains Codes and Frequencies from the depths of the ocean. This is where the Heart Beat of Mother Earth resides. These Codes and Frequencies will help to open your Heart Chakra so you can live your life from a place of Peace, Love and... Read More

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This video will help you to connect to your Still Point. This is the place where you are fully present in the now and your mind is completely at peace. From this place it is easier to receive telepathic communication and to manifest your desires. ... Read More

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This video will assist you to rebalance your electromagnetic field, so you are protected from the high frequency surges that are coming into the atmosphere through electrical devices. More Information About the VideoMany are reporting strange heal... Read More

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