
I am now exercising by taking longer walks with my walker. My legs are getting stronger, I LOVE the feeling!
Continue ReadingI am now exercising by taking longer walks with my walker. My legs are getting stronger, I LOVE the feeling!
Continue ReadingGma's coordination continues to improve. She used to crawl up on the couch on her stomach, roll over and move into a seated position. She is now able to move onto the couch and into a seated position all in one motion.
Continue ReadingFor the past 6 months Gma has been taking occupational therapy. As many of you know Gma was born without any fine motor meaning she couldn't use her fingers. Gma has been using her hands since age 3 but nothing has been going on with the fingers. She was not able to type on a computer or use a phone. Since she has been doing occupational therapy once a week Gma is now able to pick up blueberries, raspberries, blackberries. She is also able with assistance, the guiding of her...
Continue ReadingThe hand exercises I've been doing with playdoh are helping with my hand and wrist flexibility. My wrists are starting to move to a normal position. They have always been slightly curved.
Continue ReadingI have been working with an occupational therapist for 6 months. She is getting me to do hand exercises with playdoh to help improve my hand flexibility, strengthen and coordination.I can now drink out of my cup when it is two thirds full with minimal spillage. Before working with the occupational therapist mom could only fill my cup one third full and there would be lots of spillage.
Continue ReadingMom and I met some new friends who own a hobby farm near Bisbee. While visiting their farm I met their little dog Sweetpea. She is a Boston Terrier who is just over a year old. Sweetpea went crazy when she saw me. She licked my hands, neck, ears and face and ran all over the place. After about a half an hour of playing Sweetpea disappeared. When we went to leave mom asked where Sweetpea was. Her owner went looking for her and found her sleeping under the bed....
Continue ReadingMy Mom Cat has been taking me to see a naturopathic physician in Tucson who is also a kinesiologist and chiropractor. His name is Dr. Deal, and he is 89 years old. Dr. Deal has written many books on health and natural healing. He taught Mom how to move my wrists and fingers to increase my fine motor control. Because we have been working together at this, I can now drink from a 16 oz glass without spilling. Dr. Deal also showed Mom cranial movements that she does with me...
Continue ReadingI've been seeing a naturopathic physician who is giving me some homework to assist with fine motor coordination in my hands and to also help me speak. I'm excited to share my progress with you. It's been two months and I'm proud of my accomplishments. I'm able to eat an entire unpeeled banana on my own without dropping any on the floor. This is significant because normally there would be banana all over the table and on the floor. I drank a 20 oz plastic glass of water on my own...
Continue ReadingI have been working on some new protocol with the QRI machine with mom and Helise one of my aids. The goal is to help me improve the fine motor coordination of my arms and hands. We started working on this in late November. There has been some noticeable improvements. While eating I have better control of my spoon and am able to consistently scoop food accurately without spilling it. I am also sleeping length wise on my bed and spending more time under the covers. In the pasted I...
Continue ReadingMy fine motor coordinating has improved greatly over the past year due to both the Tesla and QRI machines. Mom has the Telsa on in the house 24/7 and over a year ago she started playing the QRI machine continuously in my room at night. Friends who haven't seen me for several months are commenting at how I look more relaxed and comfortable in my physical body. I am working on a new protocol with the QRI machine to help me even more with the fine motor coordination of my...
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