We cannot postpone self care in 2024. In our 3D time when we feel that our body is talking to us, we need to pay attention to it. When our body tells us to do something there is no tomorrow, it is now. It is so easy to put yourself aside thinking about the big picture, but we have to remember that now we are the big picture, we are the screens and the projectors of everything that is happening. We need to be here and to be here we need to take care of our physical presence on Gaia because for especially those who have achieved pretty high levels of vibrations and multidimensionality, each of us is a big support for the changes and a big channel of the changes. That is why when we take care of ourself we are not only thinking of our bodies, we are thinking of everybody else who is around us and whom we are supporting and for whom we are carrying energy and holding the energy level at the space we are in and physically where we are.
Hugs and love to all of you,