Assisting You on Your Path to Ascension!

Lions' Gate

July 26th was considered by the Mayans and ancient Egyptians as the start of a new cycle or New Year. The gateway is marked by an alignment between the Earth and the star Sirius. It is called the Lions' Gate because it occurs in the astrological sign of Leo.

The Lions' Gate portal will begin to open on July 26th and will be fully opened on the 8th of August or the 8/8 and closes on August 12th.

The Lions' Gate is guarded by two Royal Sirian Lions who are highly evolved Ascended Masters and teachers who work with Angels and Archangels to assist in the awakening of humanity.

The powerful energies of July 26 thru August 8 provide intense Light and DNA activation, transmitting codes of Awakening that will assist your Ascension into your Divine Crystalline Light Being.

I love you All, 