Assisting You on Your Path to Ascension!


Isolation is giving you a chance to slow down and spend time with your family. However, you are missing the opportunity to get out to spend time with friends and do things that you took for granted before.

You need to be creative, finding ways to bring balance into your life. Get out to exercise, enjoy nature, and notice the flowers, birds, animals, and trees. Sunrise and sunset are even more vibrant then they have ever been.

Your Merkabah is about 8 feet around your physical body. In the past, you were able to communicate without language by your Merkabah contacting each other.

Because of the Coronavirus, it is recommended that you stay 6 feet apart. You are still able to communicate through your electromagnetic field that is created between you where your Merkabah overlaps.

This is what you are really missing, the contact, not only physically but the contact of your energetic fields.

When you use the 6-foot distancing rule, you are 3 feet from one Merkabah and 3 feet from another. Your Merkabahs are overlapping. This is what brings back your force of creativity, boosts your amplitude, and releases your emotions especially negative ones. This is the point of induction when your electromagnetic fields work together. Whenever possible, be at a safe distance and be together, Use this opportunity to feel connected.

When you start meeting each other this way, you will feel this new electromagnetic connection. Before, it was routine as you were preoccupied. Now, be more observant and in tune with the connection and you will feel it on a different level.

I Love You ALL,