Connect to the feminine energies that are coming from Gaia now. There is a new understanding of women in general and of delivery and creation in particular. The feminine energy is a creative energy through your own existence. This is what Gaia is in the process of right now. Gaia is giving birth in a new reality and creating a new life on its surface and around it. All the processes, energies, and gates you are passing through are supporting this new energy flow that is helping Gaia to get into this New Quantum Space with humanity onboard.
How will this be reflected on humanity? Everything that is connected to creation for your existence will be adding this feminine component that was depressed for so long and that was not supported. This energy is coming back through Gaia's process of creation for your existence. Everything you are creating through God's will and in God's plan, will have this additional feminine component that will be bringing into balance the whole existence on Gaia.
The energies from Gaia's work going up through you, through your feet and root chakra will allow you to balance the other energies that are coming in through your crystalline stream from the Central Sun. This will be mutual work between the reflective energies which will have different vibrational components. Because things have already changed for you, it will be easier to utilize and absorb. In addition to the pure energy that will be coming from the sun, the work of these two energies will be creating your new Quantum Field that will be condensed by this feminine energy of creation. It will be like feeding your Merkabah, feeding your Quantum Field with the sparkles of energy that will be a core for your creation in whatever field you are going.
Hugs and love to all of you,