Assisting You on Your Path to Ascension!

Fall 2024

This fall is not only the changing of seasons, but also the fall of the old structures. The old world as we know it is collapsing. Energies are shifting the new is coming forward.

All the properties of new life are already here. They have already started to show up with their advantages and benefits. Those who are involved and can visualize, already see that. It is happening in every family, community, country and every type of activity. You need to look more attentively and listen more closely to what people are talking about. People are sharing how they look at their own children, what they are doing with their children, what choices they are making and what steps they are taking.

It is all based on trust, not fear. It is based on heart choices, coming from the heart rather than the mind. It is coming from well being, not only for you and your family but, with every picture of your success stories, it is bringing forth the creative space of the new world, with the grid structure of this new world.

Allow your successes to expand, to give you the energy, support, and knowledge to know what is happening. I am inspiring you to work together on different tasks and projects and to be attentive to these very subtle changes that are already here.

With every heart beat, you are going further and further into the new world as well as with every thought, with every acknowledgment, with every appreciation, love, knowledge, and support, you are stepping more and more into the new world.

It is time to clean your house, meaning everything you are doing including to where you are living. Evaluate what to keep and what to let go of not only material things, but habits, the way you make money for instance. It is time for a change.

You are scientists right now. You are also the material that scientists are working on right now. You are the result of an experiment. You have to remember that everything starts from you. You are the creators of these new energies in the new world.

Pay attention to the changes in nature and around you. Take care of animals and other kingdoms. Pay attention to the quality of air, water and sunlight. The energy that is coming to you and to Gaia right now will be supported by Gaia and the energy from the central sun.

A lot of crystals are working with you, you are bombarded by these new frequencies. New energetic possibilities are coming to you from the fact that you are exposed to this new vibration.

Hugs and love to all of you,