Assisting You on Your Path to Ascension!

Creating Your New Reality

Sometimes, it is difficult to begin a task or a project because there are no guidelines to follow. The guidelines already exist but you cannot see them. You are creating something as you go. This is the hardest concept to understand for many of you because your brains were trained based on what we know through the five senses such as what someone can teach you or what you can learn from somewhere or something. Now is the time of self education. Do not be afraid to experiment. You need to become an inventor, a child or an experimenter who puts things together but does not know the result. They have an idea of what they are doing and are unsure if the process of doing, brings the results they want.

Think of Legos. You can put Legos together with the intention to create a castle, but somewhere in the middle somebody comes in and changes the structure so the result is a cow. When you open yourselves up to these outside energies contributing to your project, the final result is in the Flow which is the only guiding force. You move forward in Source/Creator's Flow.

In many ways, you are becoming like plants. You are rooted in this reality, rooted in Gaia. You are receiving light and energy that is coming to you through the cosmic wind, through the universe. A plant knows how to utilize this energy by creating its own tissue, its own flowers. Like the plant, you are remembering, and bringing through how to create your own life using everything that is available for you.

Everyday, you are creating your new reality every minute, and every second. You are mastering these skills on a daily basis. With your intention, you are creating a better reality not only for yourselves but for your children and the children of your children that are coming to this planet.

Hugs and love to all of you,