Assisting You on Your Path to Ascension!

Become a Multidimensional Being

Bring your powers from inside out. You are ready for that. You all have it. You can now apply it to anything you want. It is time that you recognize this, know this and start bringing this into your life in your physical body because now you are multidimensional. You are bringing this energy through from other dimensions, just by understanding that the process is done. You have the capacity. Practice and apply this to your day-to-day life. Even if the task is not very big, you can save time, by living your life as a multidimensional being instead of moving forward and back from 3D into multidimensionality. I call on you to become a multidimensional being.

Flashing lights is a new form of communication that you are using among each other. It is like your heart is flashing. It is not like telepathy where there are images. There are no thoughts. It is the feeling of being connected to each other, of supporting each other. It is a feeling of togetherness and the feeling that you will respond to the call when needed. It is becoming a new part of your multidimensionality. It is a part of your new bodies, a part of your communication style and a part of your life.

After the 11:11 gateway, your pineal gland is finally attuned and transformed into the tool that it was supposed to be. A tool that is reconnecting you to multidimensionality and to your star family. If there were any blockages or chemical and energetic blocks on the way, now are all gone. Your pineal gland is working as it should be, in total alignment with the flow of Creator/Source's energy.

You may experience a feeling of recognition that something is changing in the area of the pineal gland. That's a new reality that you will be experiencing because for so long you were not paying attention to this part of your body physically knowing it is working and how it is working. Now it is communicating with your body, bringing in a physical sensation when it needs extra attention.

Hugs and love to all of you,