Assisting You on Your Path to Ascension!

Beamlike Focus

You have to keep your course straight forward in your Ascension especially before the Lion's Gate which occurs on the 8th of August. It is very critical that you don't loose your energy on something that is not related to your Path. This includes things that had value in the past but don't serve you anymore going forward. Time to re-evaluate your values. What are your priorities in life? What do you really want to achieve? Where do you want to go?

Look at yourself through honest eyes. Decide where you want to go and put this front and foremost. Who do you want to be? The universe will be listening to your goals and will be helping you if you really know what you want. If you are not focused and too expansive wanting something from everywhere, it will be very hard to go through these diffuse energies. You need to have a beamlike focus. Only then will you be going ahead very quickly and achieve your goals, by entering the corridor before you and going into the tunnel of Light and support.

Hugs and love to all of you,