The number 13 relates to the 13th dimension. It is the dimension of the Ascended Christ and the Dolphins and the Whales. The Dolphins and Whales live on the 13th dimension and this day is a celebration of them.
This day is also an activation of the 13th chakra using the Lions' Gate energy. Through this activation you will be reconnected with the whales and dolphins and will start working in the 13th dimension. You will be receiving the energies from the 13th dimension on a level that you will be able to recognize, register and start using in your Ascension process.
The Dolphins and Whales are passing more responsibilities to you while supporting and tracking the Akashic Records. The more you step into the 13th dimension the more you as Humanity will be able to do the work that Dolphins and Whales are doing, to support the Akasha for all Humanity, to interact and exchange Akasha with Gaia and to transmit the Akashic Records to the galaxy through the 13th dimension.
Your Auric Field and Merkaba will be expanding to allow you to do this work. This new vibration will be registered both in your Aura and your electromagnetic field. You will be recognized as the ones doing this work on the energetic level by all the other multidimensional beings.
Hugs and love to all of you,