Assisting You on Your Path to Ascension!

55 Taurus Goddess Gateway

The 55 Taurus Goddess Gateway energies will be shifting into more of a Balance as we move into the New Earth Energies in the coming 3 days up to May 5th.

This 55 Star Gate Time Portal that you will pass through, allows you to go with the flow of the Divine Creative energy. This Portal is also aligned with Alcyon in the Pleiades and you are receiving waves of photonic Light Energy from this area.

As with any gateway, the Energies will be intense. Stay focused in your Heart, on your Higher Frequencies and on your Higher Dimensions of Consciousness. Connect with yourself in quiet time.

Experience Love, Beauty and Creative Manifestation of this Taurus Goddess Gate Energy and........Expect May's Magic and Miracles!

I love you All,