Hello Soul Family!
The 444 Gateway to Higher Dimensions opened on April 1, 2019. As you experience these energies of the 4/4 gateway and the 444 dimension you are all feeling a little overwhelmed with all that is coming up individually. This is also coming out for the collective which magnifies what is showing up for us.
The best way to address this is with "gratitude". Yes, yes, yes being grateful for everything that has gotten you to this "NOW" moment in time. When you move into the space of "gratitude" your heart opens to a new awareness level of LOVE. As the expression goes "Everything happens for us not to us". When you can see life through this awareness your perceptions will shift. Each moment of each day is the "NOW" moment for you to be in and ask yourself why is this experience here for me.
You wrote your own Akashic Records charts before you came here and you chose the lessons you wish to learn. As you recognize each lesson and release it with gratitude you are able to raise your frequencies and ascend to higher dimensions.
I love you all,