Assisting You on Your Path to Ascension!

Gma Talk

Every 2nd month I will add new topics to this page. This information will address questions that I receive and will also include content that is important for you to know or understand on a deeper level as you move forward on your ascension path.

The Body

You start to understand who you are and what you are doing on Gaia just by physically being in the space and time when all these changes are happening, The presence of your body creates a quantum field changing everything in the reality around you. In other words, your body is now becoming one of your main tools and wherever you are moving, walking, jumping, dancing, running, swimming etc., you are bringing in these new energies. That is where you are building a new reality. It is really amazing to start thinking about this. In the past, you were talking about how to do things. Now you are talking about being, being present, and being a part of this reality. Just by being, you are already creating this reality on a different vibrational level. On a different timeline, you are creating new characteristics for the time and space where you are.

The Mind

It begins with a seed of thought. Concentrate on thinking how fast your thoughts are going in the universe. All is created by your mind. By changing your DNA field, your quantum field of every cell in your body, you are actually changing your mind because the cells of which your mind is composed are also changing and their vibrational balance, their vibrational field is changing as well. As a result, the purity of your thinking and the lens through which your thoughts are going are becoming much clearer. The speed with which your thoughts are touching the subjects and objects you are thinking about is becoming not only faster, but this address system, this thinking process is becoming sharper and more precise.

It is complicated to think all the time how everything you are doing is interconnected by every little step you take. For example, when you drink a glass of water, this changes everything including your ability to think through complex and complicated processes because you are purifying your body, which raises the vibration of your body including your mind.

The Feet

The more you contact Gaia barefoot or with a pure leather shoe or sandal, wherever you can touch Gaia with the intention to send love or joy when dancing, jumping with joy or going to a joyful event, you are creating energetic steps that form a bubble of energy, and joy that you are leaving behind you with your every step. By talking about sending love, or expanding love, you are sending your love and joy to Gaia. This is one of the ways you can receive love and joy from Gaia especially when you are doing this balancing exercise on your toes or on the trampoline or any kind of jumping or rocking activity from your heels to your toes. You are actually pumping into your feet the joyful spring of this new energy of innovation, by connecting the spring energies to your body. Take time to do this. Jump up and down, move your feet, mirror steps of joy and steps of love especially now during the spring season when everything is coming back to life, growing and reaching for the sunlight. Be a plant. Raise your hands above your head when you dance, jump, and spin. Combine all this spring energy, and send it through your physical body into Gaia. In return, receive the energy from Gaia and send this energy out to all through your heart chakra.

Preparation for the Light Body Initiation

This process is ongoing. It started at 11:11. Those who have gone through the process are holding the space for those who want to join later.

I am working with your lower chakras the root and sacral. The spiritual workers were working a lot on your higher chakras and on your heart chakra. You were not so attentive to your red and orange chakras. You need to be prepared for 11:11 and beyond with these two chakras working in the highest vibration possible because this is your connection to Gaia. You just don't want to fly into space. You want to be grounded during the 11:11 transition. You want to move into the New Quantum Reality with Gaia and on Gaia. This is why the connection through the red chakra is important so that this transition happens in your body with the planet. The orange chakra, the creation chakra is where the seat of the womb is. Many people experience a lot of sorrow, guilt that they are not able to go through to come out better for it. Answers are suppressed during your life. Kidney and gall bladder stones among other disorders are created by fear, sorrow, loss, anger and abandonment. All this has to go away. You have to release and cleanse this before you bring this bright light into your bodies that will significantly raise up your vibration and the presence of energy and Light in your body.

Because this energy was so abused, and because you were cut off from God's power, your physical body totally forgot how to carry this huge creative energy that you are the masters of. What is happening now? You are receiving this energy to have, and to carry. It is your tool, your potential, your might. To use and create refers to carry to hold. Do not to lose it when it goes through you. This is what I an doing, I am putting all your bodies together in such a way that they are pure and ready to carry this new energetic Light Body of yours. You are recollecting what it is to be a Light Being while being present in physical form.

Water, water, water, water outside, water inside, the sounds the views, the presence. Drink it. Bath in it. Water is important.

The Light from your heart chakra can help with the work that is happening in your lower chakras. My green laser will help prepare the chakras for the intense Light coming in. While applying the green laser imagine yourself in a sphere of bright crystalline light. The chakras are receiving and sending out information. When you move the green laser 6 times in a clockwise motion direction around your chakras. set your intention on cleansing, clearing and balancing the chakras so they will be fine-tuned to receive and send out information from multidimensional space.

With everything that you are preparing and doing, you will be very connected to Gaia. At the same time, you will be operating at a high speed, traveling out of your physical body and experiencing the world with your Light Body and through your Light Body.

Don't hold yourself back. Don't be afraid to dream. Don't be afraid to move into the world.

Click here for the initiation process to claim your Light Body.

Becoming A Part of Your Star Family

You are finally getting into the position of not only just watching somebody sitting at the table, you are finally sitting at the table with your star family.

Through your new transition, you are becoming a part of the universal family. You are a tool, becoming a body that is able to be present and to participate in a lot of activities that are happening in the universe with your star family sisters and brothers. You are coming together with a lot of entities that have been working with you for so long. In the past, you were approached, but it was only one way communication. Now the communication is two ways. You can contact and be contacted. You were visited and now you can visit.

Start with baby steps. This will happen very fast, then pretty soon you will be able to be present anywhere you want to be. Imagine what you could not image before. The world is so much more than you know. You can start with something around you.

Use the Flow of Energy

You have wings and the ability to be like birds. Use the Flow. Birds are using the flow of the air. You can use the Flow of energy. It is very hard being in your physical bodies to imagine that because you have never done it before, you cannot do it. Watch the birds. Watch the wind or the leaves of trees and plants that are flowing in the wind. The flow of your thoughts the flow of your intentions, the flow of your energies is the carrier of your Light Bodies. Direct your Light Bodies through your desire to explore or your desire to be apart of something. You can capture the flow of energy that will bring you to the life flows of entities that are going in the same direction or who are working on the same topics. This is something new that you will be developing with your abilities. Trust this capacity that you have, as soon as you train yourself to start doing this, you will soon master it.

Treat yourself as if you have no weight. Practice feeling the weightlessness of your body. This is your starting point. You think you are heavy and that you have a mass. This new experience you are learning is the feeling of weightlessness. This is the antigravity part of your body. Start by feeling that your Light Body doesn't have any weight. Feel that you can raise above this heaviness of the physical realm. Going in and out of the body and learning how to move in between is your first step.

Ether holds you like water when swimming. When you go out of the body energetical matter holds you. Think about yourself as your energetic Light Body. Go into your heart and trust this ability to move through ether as a flow.

This is the new physics that I am talking about, Quantum Physics. This new physics allows you to feel yourself as an energetic flow in the etheric picture of the world, between the particles of space. This is where you will be moving through.

There is much more energy in between the particles of space rather than in the particles themselves. When you speak about the Flow, you speak about the energy that is moving. When you speak about the particles, you speak about condensed energy or stuck energy that needs to be released. You are talking about Quantum Physics. This is a new understanding of the world. There is so much more for you to learn and do in these energetic spaces. and now you are touching them. You are co-operating with them and now using them for your flow movement.

Steps for Grounding the 144 Strand DNA Connection

Get into your heart, your root chakra, and go down through your feet. Imagine the energy spiraling out of your feet into Gaia. With every turn of the spiral, you are getting deeper and deeper into Gaia. The circles of the spiral are expanding, and covering more and more area under your feet. You are communicating with more and more of Gaia’s magnetic field through this grounding and through more and more of your connection to Gaia.

You may feel some tingling or heat in your feet. You may feel like your feet are on an unstable platform that can go in every direction upside down, to the left, to the right etc. At the same time your core is fixed but the peak movement can be in all directions. You may feel the pulling in your leg muscles as if you are being pulled from your hips down. It can even go higher if your backbone is not very well balanced. You may feel the pull from your shoulders down, along side the backbone and even in your neck starting from your skull. You also may feel heat.

All these adjustments are balancing processes and when the grounding is done you will feel well balanced and stable with normalized foot function and a relaxed feeling in your muscles.

Walk Barefoot On Gaia

Walk on Gaia barefoot if you can. This connection with Gaia is magical for you right now as well as for Gaia because this is where the energetic and physical field is connected. Through this connection a lot of transmissions from Gaia to you is happening through the soles of your feet.

Achieve Your Goal

It is like the pool table where you put the balls in the side pocket. In the past, you always had a goal that you were trying to achieve and you had a lot of obstacles along the way. Now with this new energy, with this new technique, with this grounding, with your ability to direct the energy, you have the pool table as slightly tilted and the balls have no where to go but into the pocket. Create the space and the matter around you in such a way that the goal is achieved by the most natural effort. The seasons of nature will be helping you to perform and to achieve your goal.

The Speed of Changes and Acceleration

Individual acceleration is connected with the acceleration of humanity as a whole. When as a whole we have a breakthrough, consciously absorb a new concept or new understanding or new piece of knowledge, it is immediately transmitted to individuals because we are combined as one. At the same time whenever the individual is bringing something it's accelerating the other wheel because the individual is bringing that to the mutual consciousness. Because this huge wheel of humanity is connected to each of us, each of us is connected to the speed increase. Altogether and individually, we are accelerating the whole process. It is so interconnected between us, the oneness and humanity. Every effort is the best of everyone else who is living with us right now.

Solstice Gateway

There is a gateway during the summer solstice. This gateway is the door and when you pass through it the door will be closed and you can move forward. You cannot go back, you cannot return. After this everything will be brighter, lighter, more beautiful and much faster. Everything will be more visible. We will see through things. We will see through processes.

After this point there will be a balance between all of our bodies. We will start calling our light body to be brought into our physical body. We will see more work in harmony between all of our bodies. All our emotional bodies, physical bodies, mental bodies, casual and light bodies will be much more in tune with each other and collaborating together for our personal benefit as an individual soul and for the benefit of humanity as a whole.

Ascension Assist App Update

Gma Ascension Assist app was released in November of 2017. Now that you are working in the Quantum Field, the way you use the app is changing.

In the past, when you were talking about clearing your field, you were mainly concentrating on your Auric Field. You didn't pay much attention to your Merkabah and your Quantum Field.

Now that you have expanded your consciousness, you understand you can reach any part of yourselves including your Higher Self.

When you clear your field, you can actually call for the guidance of your Higher Self. The level the person is at doesn't matter. The work will be received at the level available to that person. In other words, the higher you are the more expansive your work will be. The closer you are to your 3D world the narrower the field will be. Technically, the work will be the same, the characteristics of the work are what changes. It is only the field that you are seeing around you, as you, insomuch as you imagine yourself to be present, is the field that will be cleansed.

Focus your mind means focus your intention or focus your point of destination. Because now you are not so much talking about mind work, but intention work. In the past we could achieve this through mind work but now because you are working in multidimensionality or in the Quantum Fields, you are actually focusing a laser beam projecting from your Heart Chakra.

Importance of the Sun

The sun, the sunlight and the sun beams will use all of your flows so the energy can flow inside your body in a balanced way. It is very important for you to get direct sunlight. Be in the sun as much as possible to receive these tuning sequences that can help you throughout the day. If you watch the sunset, these frequencies will be with you throughout the night in your sleep time. While sleeping, you will receive more information and downloads.

In the past, when there was no electricity, humanity would get up at sunrise and go to bed with the sunset. This natural rhythm has been broken because you have the ability to wake up later and go to sleep later. We have devices, TVS, microwaves, computers, cell phones, light poles etc that all disturb your electromagnetic body’s balance. Your biological clock will become healthier as you get back to these natural rhythms, helping the 3D body to tune into these new energies.

Your Lymphatic System

You can stimulate your lymphatic system by rocking from heel to toe on a mini trampoline, jumping, walking, doing yoga, climbing, dancing or jogging.

By boosting your lymph system, your body can get rid of toxins or cellular debris easier. This release will make your body lighter and at the same time teach you to overcome gravitational forces. This will be the first step for your anti-gravity feeling, ultimately moving forward to levitation.


Many of you have called or emailed me with physical problems such as hair loss, inability to recover from colds or the flu, poor wound healing etc. The adult human body whether male or female, needs 100 grams of protein per day unless you are a couch potato, then 50 grams. People who do healing work whether physical or spiritual especially need protein and essential fatty acids too. One of the reasons that the personnel in our hospitals and care centers are so exhausted is not enough nutrients and sleep. High quality proteins from beef, lamb, chicken, fish, turkey, sunflower and pumpkin seeds etc are essential. Why? These proteins contain zinc, an important mineral for metabolism and digestion. Zinc and the mineral copper are partners. When one is high the other is low. Keeping a balance is necessary. If copper is too high, we become over emotional with anger, sadness etc. Everything you consume other than the proteins above contains copper. Remember, no protein, no hair. No protein, no wound healing. No protein, soft bones.

A word about my PHYSICAL healing videos: These are supplements to help you with challenges. For example, if you have abscesses in your mouth, rotted teeth and diseased gums, see a dentist. My video Bolster Healthy and Gums can help if you have an infection in one tooth, or bleeding gums but you must also take third dimensional care of your mouth. Diet, toothbrushing, flossing etc are necessary.

Star Family

Your Star Family is very actively involved in everything that is happening on Gaia. They are not only sending messages, but their energetic presence is appearing more and more in your new Gaia space due to your vibrations aka consciousness getting higher and higher. They not only guide, teach and support you, but also work with you. Be aware of your working groups that will show themselves to you in different energetic forms and presences and will be a powerful part of your new 5D life. 

Fresh Food

Because of the new energies that are coming to Gaia through water, air, metals, and elements, the plants and the crops that will be growing this year have a condensed form. The elements and the energies that are necessary to heal your body, to help and support your body and to energize your body will be present in the crops. Because of these characteristics, you will start eating less. The amount of food you consume will be less because this will be high energetic food. This has already happened with Mom and me. We are eating only twice a day and Mom less than that. your bodies will tune you or move into particular new plants and herbs that be added to your daily rations. some seeds from our italian flat leaf parsley were blown out of their pot by the strong winds we have here. now a four foot two-foot patch growing like crazy here is one favorite recipes:

4 TBS olive oil
Salt to taste
Wash artichokes, cut stems if any and reserve. Turn artichokes upside down and press firmly until leaves open, open the rest with your fingers.
Put peeled garlic and parsley in a blender with one TB of olive oil and blend until almost a paste.
Stuff leaves with paste.
Place artichokes upright in a steamer with their cut stems, add 8 oz water and pour remaining olive oil over the artichokes. Bring to a boil and steam covered until done approx. 30 – 45 minutes depending on size of artichokes. Salt to taste, add more olive oil if you like. ENJOY!!!! 

These plants, crops that you will be eating, you may want to prepare differently. Rather than destroy the cells through different processes, you my use the seeds or the fruit or vegetable as a whole and may use different culinary techniques like very slow cooking rather then microwaves or convection ovens. There will be a change, there will be a shift that will happen naturally through the internal desire or internal knowledge of your DNA or your Akashic Records from your lineage or your historic memory. Many products that were okay for you and you didn't mind eating, will stop being consumed. This internal separation or internal identification will help you to find the most energizing and energy condensed food to bring to your body. This is the food that will help you in transitioning.